My Hero Film Festival and Awards


Contact Info

Los Angeles

Event Info

Event Date
November 22, 2014

The mission of The MY HERO Project is to use media, art and technology to celebrate the best of humanity. MY HERO empowers people of all ages to realize their own potential to effect positive change in the world.

We launched MY HERO in 1995 with a simple idea: to create a space in the media where people of all ages could share and discover stories about those making a positive difference in the world. We were tired of the exaltation of celebrities as heroes and the promotion of hatred, violence and sexism in the mass media. We wanted children to have access to information about real life heroes who had overcome obstacles, faced great and small challenges, and succeeded. During the early days of the web, we launched this project hoping that if we built a venue online to share stories of hope and inspiration, others would join in the project and children would benefit.

Today, MY HERO is a leading destination for teachers and students around the world. We provide digital storytelling tools and a rich multimedia library that is used by people of all ages. Our global learning community includes professional filmmakers, writers, and artists who join with teachers and students adding content to this ever-growing internet archive. Working together we are building the world’s largest online media library of hero stories, art, and films.

A team of educators, media makers, programmers, web designers, and editors manage this multi-media project. As the internet has grown so has our need for bandwidth and improved technology. We want to improve our systems and delivery so that more students entering the digital age will access our resources and join in this celebration. Together we are working to bridge the digital divide and bring inspiration to millions of students.