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Gunda is a mesmerizing perspective on sentience within animal species, normally - and perhaps purposely - hidden from our view. Displays of pride and reverence, amusement and bliss at a pig’s inquisitive young; her panic, despair and utter defeat in the face of cruel trickery, are validations of just how similarly all species react and cope with events in our respective lives.

It is a film of profound importance and artistry Through encounters with a mother sow (the eponymous Gunda), two ingenious cows, and a scene-stealing, one-legged chicken, Kossakovsky movingly recalibrates our moral universe, reminding us of the inherent value of life and the mystery of all animal consciousness, including our own.

Victor Kossakovsky has crafted a visceral meditation on existence that transcends the normal barriers that separate species. Executive Produced by Joaquin Phoenix