Personal Guidance System

Movie Info




PGS – Intuition is your Personal Guidance System is a 90 minute movie detailing one man’s search for a voice that saved his life. Bill Bennett heard a voice while driving early one morning. The voice told him to slow down. He was approaching an intersection, and fortunately Bill listened to that voice and he did slow down, because a huge truck ran a red light on a cross street, missing him by inches. If not for that voice, Bill would have been killed.

Ever since, Bill has been determined to find out what that voice was, where it came from, and why his life was saved. This movie is the result of that search. The search took him to some of the most remote and sacred places on the planet, to talk to holy men and mystics, sadhus and saints, research scientists and quantum physicists and psychiatrists. Over a three year period he spoke to some of the world’s leading experts on intuition, spanning the fields of science, religion, and spirituality. He discovered that intuition is part of a subtle energetic system that seeks to protect us and guide us along our life’s journey so that we can achieve our true purpose – and lead a life of fulfillment and contentment. He called it our PGS – our Personal Guidance System.

The movie discusses what intuition is, how it works, and how you can access it. It details a five step process to tap into your intuitive powers. For Bill, the three year journey making this movie not only took him to the furthermost reaches of the planet, it also took him to the innermost depths of his soul. As he says: Making this movie changed my life. Watching it could change yours.